Casting News: Nothing at this time; please check back often
CastinG, etc.
Everyone wants to be in a movie!
At times, we have auditions for specific films, but we also like being able to build a pool of local talent. Sometimes people audition for one film, but get cast in a different one. With several film production companies working together, we are able to film often. We bring in. professionals from all over the United States. We aren't able to cast the thousands who want to be a part, but we do manage to add locals as much as we can. Sometimes volunteers get cast on the spot; sometimes someone has a specific look we want and we've been known to pull from the crowd. As soon as we announce a film, all but a very few extra roles have already been cast. Be available, positive, and interested.
Our sets are closed and that means we don't allow on-lookers. That is for our actors and actresses so they feel at ease without being "watched" as they film. It's also not the time or place to try and speak to the actors or to the director and we don't allow pictures. When we announce a time for autographs, that is the time to say a big hello! Get a photo of you and a favorite actor!
At times, we have auditions for specific films, but we also like being able to build a pool of local talent. Sometimes people audition for one film, but get cast in a different one. With several film production companies working together, we are able to film often. We bring in. professionals from all over the United States. We aren't able to cast the thousands who want to be a part, but we do manage to add locals as much as we can. Sometimes volunteers get cast on the spot; sometimes someone has a specific look we want and we've been known to pull from the crowd. As soon as we announce a film, all but a very few extra roles have already been cast. Be available, positive, and interested.
Our sets are closed and that means we don't allow on-lookers. That is for our actors and actresses so they feel at ease without being "watched" as they film. It's also not the time or place to try and speak to the actors or to the director and we don't allow pictures. When we announce a time for autographs, that is the time to say a big hello! Get a photo of you and a favorite actor!
We do a lot of private, closed sets. One important part of that is limiting noise and distractions. While we are open to businesses volunteering film locations, we have to be assured of being able to close the sets to on-lookers. We love adding partnerships and showing off our benefactors!
Ren Says Films and AngMaria Productions do not allow drugs on set or those drug-influenced to be on set. We do not allow anyone who is alcohol-influenced on set. First aid and medics are available, but we strive to keep our cast/crew members safe and healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. We provide emotional support for intense scenes. We protect minors. Any/all physical contact is discussed ahead of time and there is a debriefing afterward. Parents of minors are allowed/encouraged on set. We are a green company and try to have as little trash as possible. We re-use, up-cycle, and give a second or tenth life to all we can.
We do provide IMDB credit!
We do provide IMDB credit!

Tyler Stone is best known for his role as a reporter in Sundown and as a hiker in Clann. As Tom, in Clann, he was forced to think about family and what he would do to protect those he loves. He portrayed anguish, heartbreak, and fury while controlling his feelings of fear. His movie inspiration is the original Freddy Krueger/Nightmare on Elm Street, his favorite color is blue, and he loves anything horror movie related. He said, "It's like it caught me off guard, I got into it as a hobby and for fun but now I'm completely hooked on being involved as an actor, I love it."
Tyler Stone
Robin Thrapp-TaylorThose on set understand that they may see a new girl walk by, someone they don't know. In those cases, it's generally Robin and she loves that reaction. Part can be explained by her choice of a favorite actress: "I'm a sucker for Charlize Theron" (known for her varying looks). Whatever it is, all of the cast and crew gets used to being pranked quickly but still falls for Robin's tricks. Robin's favorite color is yellow, she loves suspense/drama movies, was "totally raised up on Days of Our Lives".
Alvae Hays EasterlingShe loves the thrill of putting on a show. She’s really into Stranger Things because she loves that there are kids in a horror series. She enjoys competitive cheer, golf and playing with her dogs. Alvae loves to help with anything she can on set. When asked about her future interests, Alvae sites being an actress, directing films, and becoming a producer. Alvae has already accomplished her dream of directing;on June 24, 2022, she directed a scene in which two frantic women try to hide from the killers. The scene took only 2 takes and applause rang out. What 9 year-old can claim that?
One of the most commonly heard phrases on set is, "I want to BE Alvae!" |
Pate Easterling
Pate has already played one role that he
can't talk about until the release. Secrets! He's a 37 year old husband and dad. 'The movies that have affected me the most are Goodfellas, There Will be Blood, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Cool Hand Luke and Braveheart. My hobby’s are Golf White WaterKayaking and duck hunting. I love acting because I can become anyone or “Thing” and tap out of the real world. " Fellow actors never know the "thing" Pate may become as he acts! |
Haley EasterlingHaley claims that directors pull "the crazy" out of her; instead she keeps rising to meet ever-challenging roles. She read Dean Koontz and Stephen King as a teen, and loved Monty Python and Kids in the Hall. Although she did theater in high school, she enjoys being on a set much more than a stage. She is also an accomplished artist and has won awards since her teens.
Mary Ellwood

"I had been wanting to be in a movie a long time but never took the first step and auditioned. When Ren Says Films were having auditions, I took a chance and Catt Dahman cast me in Clann. I thought I was just going to be a in a movie but I am hooked! I'm ready for blood, gore and action." Mary appears in Clann in a disturbing, heart-breaking, pivotal role that viewers will feel sad for. She also appears in Sundown. Mary enjoys intense roles and steps out of her comfort zone to face some big, bad foes. In real life, she might be found at Spring Lake Park as she runs from the Phantom Killer.